If you are sceptical of religion, and Christianity in particular, why would you believe that the Bible is true. I mean, it was just a book written by men, wasn’t it? And we all know that men make mistakes.
Whilst that is partly true, the writers were men, but they were inspired by the Holy Spirit, so we can be sure that it says what God wanted it to say.
Also, this idea that you can’t trust the Bible because it was written by man, is a rather weak and silly argument itself. ALL books are written by men (or women) so are they trying to say that they don’t trust ANY book written by men? I doubt it. Do they trust the science books that they read, the history books, maths books etc.
This shows what a ridiculous statement that is when taken to its logical conclusion. And if they are saying that we can’t trust men, then take a look in the mirror; why should I trust what you are saying if you believe that men can’t be trusted. It really is a self-refuting statement.
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The truth is that these types of sceptics don’t really have a problem with the Word of God, rather they have a problem with the God of the Word.
With all that being said, let’s look at three reasons why we can trust the Bible.
Evidence Points To Biblical Truth
Archaeologists have made some remarkable discoveries that confirm the accuracy of the Bible. They have found numerous buried cities that align precisely with the Bible's descriptions. Not only that, but excavations have also unearthed concrete evidence for events and individuals mentioned in the Bible.
For instance, archaeologists have uncovered several seals belonging to King Hezekiah, a prominent figure in the Bible. In the last decade, another seal was discovered just 10 feet away from a seal that may have belonged to the prophet Isaiah, who was one of the king's advisors.
And ancient war records from Assyria have confirmed the Bible's accounts of Sennacherib's conquest of Judean cities and his failed siege of Jerusalem.
While sceptics may challenge the historicity of some biblical accounts, new discoveries continue to silence their arguments; it’s as if archaeology and history is just catching up with what the Bible says.
So, it is clear that the Bible is not just a religious text, but also an invaluable historical document, and nothing so far has clashed with the Biblical historical account, and the likelihood is that it never will.
Scientific evidence supporting the accuracy of the Genesis creation and flood accounts can be found across multiple fields of study.
Recent discoveries by palaeontologists have revealed dinosaur remains containing soft tissue and blood cells, which have challenged the traditional evolutionary assumption that such fragile materials could not exist in fossils that are millions of years old. However, these remarkable findings are entirely consistent with the biblical account of the bones being buried only thousands of years ago during the flood. This evidence supports the biblical narrative and further demonstrates the reliability of the Bible as a historical record.
In the realm of astronomy, research on short-period comets within our solar system has revealed data that aligns with the biblical timeline. These comets have a relatively short lifespan, which makes it impossible for them to have survived for millions, let alone billions, of years as evolutionists suggest. This evidence further supports the validity of the biblical account.
Recent advances in biological research, particularly in genetics, have shed light on the fact that animals belonging to a certain "kind," such as dogs or cats, can’t transform into another kind of animal over time. This is due to the lack of a mechanism that allows for the acquisition of new genetic information needed for the organism to evolve into a different kind.
This observation aligns with the biblical account in Genesis 1, which repeatedly emphasizes that each animal was created as a distinct kind and was designed to reproduce "after their kind." Therefore, variations only occur within a kind rather than between different kinds. These findings provide compelling evidence supporting the biblical concept of created kinds, and further research in this area is likely to reveal even more proof that the Bible is reliable.
Divine Inspiration
The Bible is a unique source of evidence that is filled with proofs of being inspired by the Holy Spirit, and this is in addition to evidence from scientific disciplines.
The Bible contains hundreds of detailed prophecies that accurately describe events that were written centuries before they occurred.
For instance, the Old Testament foretold that the Messiah Jesus would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14) in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2), as a descendant of Abraham (Genesis 12:1–3), Isaac (Genesis 17:19), and Jacob (Genesis 28:14).
Also, the Bible predicted that Jesus would be betrayed by a friend (Psalm 41:9) for 30 pieces of silver, which would be used to purchase the potter’s field (Zechariah 11:13).
He would then be mocked and ridiculed, pierced in his hands and feet, and lots would be cast for his clothing (Psalm 22:7, 16, 18). He would die as a sacrifice for our sins and be buried in a rich man’s tomb (Isaiah 53:8–10; Daniel 9:26). After a short time in the grave, he would rise again (Psalm 16:10; Isaiah 53:10).
These prophecies are unique proof that the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit. They accurately describe events that would occur centuries later, and they demonstrate that the Bible is a reliable source of information about the past and the future. The Bible's accuracy, combined with its message of salvation, gives us hope for the future and guidance for our lives today.
The Bible Itself Proves Its Own Veracity
Jesus made it clear that the Bible is the ultimate source of truth and knowledge. In fact, he emphasized that no other resource is better or more reliable. During his teachings to the Jews, he stated, “If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.”
His words may have been directed towards the Jewish community but they hold a universal truth - the Bible should be our most authoritative and compelling tool. Its message is powerful and relevant to all, irrespective of race or religion. Therefore, we should always turn to the Bible for guidance and wisdom.
At the root of this is a simpler question that must be answered: How do we know that anything is true?
When it comes to debating ultimate questions, there comes a point where everyone must turn to an ultimate standard. We can't keep going up the staircase of standards forever - there must be a final destination. The Bible claims to be this ultimate standard of truth, the Word given by the Almighty Creator God.
Most people rely on their own personal opinions, public consensus, or great moral literature as their standards. However, if the Bible is true, these other standards are not options. If you appeal to any other standard, you are automatically rejecting the Bible as your ultimate standard. This is a crucial point that cannot be overlooked.
Once you point this out, most people will recognize the problem. The Bible is not just another option on a list of standards - it claims to be the ultimate standard. So when engaging in ultimate questions, it's important to consider the implications of relying on any other standard than the Word of God.
So, the next question is: how do we determine which is the ultimate standard?
There is only one logical solution when it comes to establishing a standard that can be trusted: it must be self-attesting and self-authenticating. This means that it must be able to speak for itself and defend itself, passing all its own standards of truth and providing a solid foundation for interpreting all other claims to truth.
Interestingly, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, claimed to be the embodiment of truth itself, stating that "I am the truth" and that "God's word is truth." He asserted that no truth exists outside of Him, and the Bible further affirms that "in him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Therefore, the Bible holds an exalted position as the ultimate authority.
Furthermore, the Bible warns that all other standards apart from Christ are ultimately empty, “relying on the traditions of men and the basic principles of the world, rather than on Christ.” In short, there is no substitute for the truth found in Christ and the authoritative Word of God.
Your audience will never come across a comparable alternative to the biblical God, no matter how much they search. By presenting a positive case for the rationality of the Christian faith, you can effectively showcase the limitations of other worldviews.
The Bible boldly proclaims itself to be the divine Word of God, the ultimate and unrivalled source of all truth.
It leaves no room for ambiguity or compromise, demanding that all who seek to know the truth must accept its authority. Unlike other sources that make similar claims, the Bible offers no middle ground.
It is a book of absolute truth, and its message cannot be diluted or altered to suit the preferences of any particular person or group. If you seek the truth, the Bible offers the only reliable guide to understanding the nature of reality and the purpose of life.