In recent years, the concept of "worldview" has gained widespread attention within the evangelical Christian community in many countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom to name a few.
This growing interest is fuelled by the realization that our culture is rapidly shifting away from the Christian values that once prevailed, as evidenced by the removal of any mention of the Ten Commandments from public spaces.
As a result, many church organizations and training seminars have emerged with the goal of reinforcing, rebuilding, or establishing a biblical worldview among Christians and in society as a whole. While the term "biblical worldview" may be unfamiliar to some, it is simply a new name for an age-old subject.
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What Exactly Is A Worldview?
Everyone has a unique way of seeing the world, shaped by their own set of glasses. This perspective is known as a worldview.
A worldview can be described as a “comprehensive outlook that encompasses everything that exists and matters to us." It is based on our fundamental beliefs and assumptions about the world around us, and it reflects how we would answer the significant questions about human existence - the questions we ask about life, the universe, and everything in between.”
Our worldview provides a framework that helps us interpret life, acting as a lens through which we view the world. It is like a pair of glasses that we wear to see the world around us.
Everybody’s worldview provides a cohesive way of thinking about the world around them, but it should not necessarily be viewed as the ultimate authority. There are many factors that contribute to shaping an individual's worldview, including religion, philosophy, ethics, morality, science, politics, and other belief systems.
Through their worldview, an individual is able to ponder fundamental questions about their existence, such as who they are, where they come from, and where they are headed. Furthermore, their worldview also helps them differentiate between truth and lies, and guides their behaviour and decision-making.
Considering the vast array of factors that shape a person's worldview, it is important for individuals to remain open to new perspectives and ideas. This openness allows individuals to expand and refine their worldview, while also encouraging them to consider alternative viewpoints on important issues such as the existence of God and their response to Him.
Atheists tend to pride themselves on their openness and critical thinking, but they are absolutely determined to ignore anything supernatural, even if the evidence points towards it. So, does that really sound like open-mindedness to you?
The Bible outlines two primary worldviews that people adopt when it comes to their fundamental beliefs, assumptions about life, and larger existential questions.
These worldviews can be broadly classified as either God's word or man's word, and the scriptures provide a clear illustration of the stark differences between these two worldviews:
At first glance, it may appear that there are countless worldviews out there. With the multitude of philosophical and religious systems around the globe, it's easy to see why.
Just consider, for example, the massive followings of Islam and Hinduism, with almost two billion and one billion adherents respectively. These faiths adopt vastly different beliefs about the nature of reality: Islam upholds the notion of a single god, while Hinduism embraces the existence of many gods. Islam has its holy book, the Quran, whereas Hindus rely on other "sacred" texts.
Given these differences, it's tempting to conclude that these religions represent entirely separate worldviews. Of course, there are certainly times when we must differentiate between the multitude of non-biblical perspectives out there.
However, it's worth noting that there are some underlying similarities between each of these various philosophies and religions, and their difference to Christianity, so there really are only two worldviews in total.
The Christian Worldview
The Christian perspective views God as the Creator of all things, including humanity and the world. This understanding is primarily influenced by the Holy Scriptures, which provide special revelation from God, and secondarily by the natural world, which reflects God's presence and wisdom.
By interpreting the natural world through the lens of Scripture and applying its teachings to their lives, Christians aim to live in accordance with God's will and bring glory to Him both in this life and in the afterlife.
The Christian worldview stands apart from other worldviews in two fundamental ways. Firstly, it acknowledges that God is the sole source of all truth. Secondly, it connects all truths to a comprehensive understanding of God and His purposes for our life on earth as well as beyond. This unique perspective sets Christian worldview apart from all competing worldviews.
The Naturalistic Worldview
The worldview of naturalism, or materialistic atheism, is one that is easily refuted if you only take some time to seriously examine it. According to this worldview, nature is the only reality, and there is no transcendent creator God that governs and sustains creation.
Atheists who subscribe to this belief often view it as rational and scientific. However, by adopting materialism as their guiding principle, atheists have effectively eliminated the possibility of knowledge, as well as scientific and technological advancements.
In essence, if atheism were true, it would be impossible to validate any claims whatsoever!
Consider this: reasoning involves the use of fundamental laws of logic to arrive at accurate conclusions. One such law is the law of non-contradiction, which asserts that something cannot be both A and not-A at the same time and in the same relationship. Most reasonable people accept this law, but why is it true in the first place? Why do we have laws of reasoning at all?
The answer lies in the Christian worldview. Christians believe in an absolute standard for reasoning, which requires us to model our thoughts after God's. The laws of logic, including the law of non-contradiction, are a reflection of God's unchanging nature. They are not merely subjective opinions about how we should think, but rather derive from God's consistent and coherent way of thinking.
Anyone that holds to a naturalistic worldview faces a fundamental challenge when it comes to the laws of logic. As someone who believes that everything that exists is material and part of the physical world, laws of logic are not physical entities. One cannot stumble upon a law of logic like they would a physical object.
As a result, the existence of laws of logic cannot be reconciled with an atheist's worldview. However, despite this inconsistency, the atheist still attempts to use the laws of logic to reason. In doing so, the atheist is inadvertently borrowing from the Christian worldview to argue against it.
This borrowing is a tell-tale sign that the atheist's view cannot be entirely rational. After all, they rely on things (laws of logic) that cannot exist according to their profession.
In conclusion, the naturalistic (atheist) worldview is inconsistent when it comes to the laws of logic. While they attempt to use logic to reason, they are borrowing from a worldview that supports the existence of laws of logic. This inconsistency highlights that the atheist's view ultimately falls short of being entirely rational.